Pastor Rick’s Study Notes: Matthew 5:17-20

Pastor Rick’s Study Notes:

PRT Matthew 5:17-20

v. 17 Don’t even consider that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I came not to overthrow and dismiss them but to satisfy and fulfill them.

v. 18 For I tell you this very truth: until heaven and earth come to an end, neither the smallest letter nor the tiniest accent point will disappear until all these things will happen.

v. 19 for this reason, anyone breaks even the smallest of these commandments or teaches others to do the same, will be the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven. But here’s the one who will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven: everyone who does what it says and teaches others to do the same.

v. 20 For I tell you that, unless your right actions and right relationship with God extends beyond the standards of the legal experts and Pharisees, you won’t even enter the doors of heaven.

Study Notes:

v. 17 Don’t even consider that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I came not to overthrow and dismiss them but to satisfy and fulfill them.

Jesus is answering an unspoken question here (or perhaps he heard the rumblings of this statement about tearing down the law and prophets – it later became one of the big accusations. He didn’t destroy (he wrote them!) The word is to break down, dissolve, dismiss, abolish. He came to fulfill the prophets and satisfy the law.

This word destroy is a word picture of someone taking down a tabernacle or tent into pieces. He came to fulfill, that is fill to the fullest, the Law and Prophets.

Light plays a huge role in demonstrating the effect of the Kingdom on people, churches, cultures, generations, etc. We are brought into the light, become the light of the world, and are indwelt by the Spirit of Jesus, the Light of the world.

Ephesians 4 “we were in darkness and now we walk as children of light.”

Philippians 2:15 “you shine as lights to the world.”

1 Peter 2 “we are called out of darkness and into His wonderful light.”

Read this in context with v. 15-16 – what we do is in the light, not to show us to the world, but to show Jesus to the world. Matthew says the light is on the stand where everyone in the house can see the light. Luke says the light is on the stand so that everyone who enters into the house can see. He satisfies the reason people grasp for religion and rules. Jesus completes the prophetic.

v. 18 For I tell you this very truth: until heaven and earth come to an end, neither the smallest letter nor the tiniest accent point will disappear until all these things will happen.

The smallest letter of the Hebrew language is the “yod” – no bigger than an apostrophe. The accent point in Greek is the little marking that might distinguish letter and pronunciations. These accents were not widely used in the marketplace since most wrote in Uncial; and after all, it was their language.

Here, the word is not everlasting but sufficient until heaven and earth disappear. At that point, we will as Paul says, “know in full.” Until God brings it all to the culmination, not even an accent point will be canceled.

v. 19 for this reason, anyone breaks even the smallest of these commandments or teaches others to do the same, will be the smallest in the Kingdom of Heaven. But here’s the one who will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven: everyone who does what it says and teaches others to do the same.

Remember that the legal experts and teachers had set the laws in major and minor categories – greater laws and lesser laws with corresponding ramifications. Some says 613, but these are what Moses said to do or not do. The “for all time” laws are the big ten.

The “least” in the kingdom is a word that can mean littlest or smallest; the person who chooses to live contrary to God’s parameters and/or takes others in the same direction chooses a “small” life here, and the “smallest” life in eternity.

It’s choosing to live in the light. Luke adds some insight here; our acts give light to the world and cause the lost to bring glory to God. Our eyes are our light in Jesus’ parables; and we let light in by what we choose to give witness to; or we let “dark” into our eyes by what we feed on.

The big question on everyone’s mind, then, if the Pharisees and the teachers of the law aren’t in, who will be? Nobody wants to be small; so who will be great? Jesus answers: you who do and teach (demonstration, proclamation.) the Pharisees (Matthew 23:3) taught but clearly didn’t do. That’s why he said the next sentence.

v. 20 For I tell you that, unless your right actions and right relationship with God extends beyond the standards of the legal experts and Pharisees, you won’t even enter the doors of heaven.

These are the comments that endeared Jesus to the people and drew the ire of the temple leaders. This would also fly in the face of “common wisdom” that the Pharisees and legal experts were the examples to follow; Jesus says it’s the exact opposite. It’s like the lovers of the law were approaching heaven, but couldn’t see what stopped them (unforgiven sin – they needed a Savior.)

  1. Have you ever been in a place that was completely, utterly, dark? How did it make you feel?
  2. Do you have a favorite Bible verse? What is it? Why is it so meaningful to you?
  3. How do you “let light in” to your life through using the Bible? What practices do you do now? What do you need to begin practicing?
  4. What can you do the avoid places that make your life smaller and darker?
  5. What kinds of “beautiful deeds” do you like doing for others to help them experience the love of the Savior?
  6. How can others help you through prayer and encouragement?

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